sábado, 29 de novembro de 2008

Some Endangered Species

Blue Whale:

- The Blue Whale is the largest animal on Earth. They exist in the Pacific Ocean and it is believed that at one time there were more than 200.000 blue whales. There are only about 10.000 blue whales now. They've been on the endangered list since the mid 1960s and the population is not expected to recover.

Snow Leopard:

- The Snow Leopard is a moderately large cat native to the mountain ranges of Central Asia. They're adapted to live in cold mountainous environments. The number of snow leopards since they were discouvered is unknown, but its total wild population is estimated at between 4.000 and 7.500.


- The Ramphastos toco, also known as Tucano, is an omnivorous bird that feeds of animals and vegetables. It has its existence threatened in their natural habitat, the Amazon jungle, but the Brazilian government's efforts already show an increase in the number of these birds. Although it is already extinct in its federal state, São Paulo.

1 comentário:

Anónimo disse...

I love Tucanos! They're too cute! We should do something, so that they don't extinct. =|